National Houseplant Appreciation Day

National Houseplant Appreciation Day is on January 10 every year, and it reminds us that we don't have to lose the freshness and vibrancy that plants bring to our homes just because the holidays have drawn to a close.

Plant a Flower Day

It makes a toast to the beauty of flowers and the ways they are useful to us. On the holiday, environmentalists and conservationists create awareness about flower conservation and what can be done to save endangered flower species.

Global Recycling Day

Global Recycling Day, celebrated on March 18 every year, is a recycling initiative that encourages us to look at our trash in a new light. There are several ways to recycle that allow some materials to be reused multiple times.

National Agriculture Week

National Agriculture Week is celebrated every year in March on dates announced by the Agriculture Council of America. This year the holiday commences on March 21 and ends on 27.

World Agriculture Day

Every year, producers, agricultural associations, corporations, universities, government agencies and countless others across America join together to recognize the contributions of agriculture. When Is Ag Day? Ag Day is celebrated on March 22, 2022. National Ag Day falls during National Ag Week.

Farm Workers Day

U.S. National Farm Workers Day is celebrated annually on March 31 to pay tribute to the unsung heroes on a farm who are the hired workforce doing the tougher part of the job such as plowing fields, operator tractors, spreading fertilizers, and trimming hedges.