Pesticide Registrations & MRLS

Pesticide Registrations

Learn more about pesticide registrations in Oregon and Washington State generated by Pesticide Research Leader Dani Lightle at Oregon State University.

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Berry crops

Oregon and Washington

Oregon Blueberries - April 2024

Learn more about Insecticide & Miticide Registrations in Oregon Blueberries

Oregon Strawberries - November 2023

Learn more about Insecticide & Miticide Registrations in Oregon Strawberries

Washington Blueberries - March 2023

Learn more about Insecticide & Miticide Registrations in Washington Blueberries – March 2022

Caneberries - April 2024

 Learn more about Insecticide & Miticide Registrations in Oregon Caneberries


Maximum Residue Limits (MRLS) for USA and Foreign Trade Markets

Raspberries - December 2021

Learn more about Raspberry Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs)

Blueberries - Janurary 2022

Learn more about Blueberry Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs)

Strawberries - February 2022

Learn more about Strawberry Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs)