Humic Acid and Phosphite Materials… is there scientific hype?

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I’ve listened to four separate scientists speak on humic acid over the last year. It’s one of those topics that have a lot of questions around efficacy. Do they really work? Which are best and when should they be applied? Should Tom Peerbolt have stopped calling them “snake oils” long ago? 

I think the blanket answer is: it depends. Work completed by Eric Gerbrandt with Blue Sky Agriculture work suggests it depends on the crop and what stage the crop is at. A general finding is yes, it’s helpful in raspberries specifically to combat root rot. In blueberry it’s only helpful at planting and first year establishment phase. 
Dave Bryla at the USDA-ARS has also been exploring these compounds with little success in finding any that have significant positive impact and make economical sense.
Amanda Davis at OSU looked at ripening fruit and saw no effect in either liberty or Duke in regards to yield or ripening rate. Nutrient impact with humic acid in leaf and soil were variable and no redible results. There is benefit if field is already showing good productivity. However, most research found improved soil health and soil biology in new plantings or those fields with poor vigor.
Have all the compounds been studied? No most certainly not as more and more of them enter the market annually. However, they have trialed many of the common ones and any others they could get their hands on so I think there is still merit here.
Do you see other advantages in integrating humic acid in your established planting?
Does 40-50$/acre using humidity acid at planting and establishment be a good insurance? 
What works on your farm that this research is missing? Where could humic acids be of benefit? 
Are there products that you wish they would have tried because they have better attributes/success? 
I welcome you to throw tomatoes at this post, or not. After all, soil and plant interactions are complex and one size doesn’t fit all. Join the conversation below. 

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