The Pacific Northwest Berry World,
Communicated Differently.

About us

We are a hub of research, information, and resources for Pacific Northwest berry growers, researchers, and industry organizations.

Our Vision

To unite, inform, and empower a world-class Pacific Northwest berry sector.

Our Mission

To unite, inform, and empower a world-class Pacific Northwest berry sector.

Our Goals


Deliver industry-wide extension.

Integrated Pest Management

Support individual farmers to use science-based, environmentally sustainable, and Integrated Pest Management practices.

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Facilitate and conduct research.


Support individual farmers and agencies for certification compliance/market access.

We collaborate with industry organizations like commodity commissions, berry councils, agriculture agencies, and extension centers.

Our Goals


Scientific Research

With a strong emphasis on collaborating with a broad range of Pacific Northwest stakeholders, on-farm research has been one of our main focuses. Partnering with growers for applied research is an important part of any NBA initiative.


On-Farm Trials

To encourage connection between developed plant material, grower use and adoption, we have been involved in new berry selection trials at the farm level. This is an ongoing, multi-year process that involves the transfer of material from the breeder, to the nursery, and finally to the growers before evaluations can be made.


Grower Resources

Each farm is unique, and so are their needs. We recognize that the resources we provide have to be just as diverse. We strive to connect growers with accessible content that can be applied to their unique farm situation, no matter what they grow or how many acres they manage.


Industry Engagement

Connecting growers, researchers, and other industry members with the transfer of timely information is an important source of support which we are dedicated to. We distribute the most up to date regional reports submitted by growers across the PNW, coordinate regional industry meetings, and encourage engagement through our forum.

Our Team

Since 2014, our team has filled gaps in offering services and research for growers of the Pacific Northwest berry growers, contributing to the development of a strong small fruit industry.
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Julie Pond

Executive Director

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Jason Myer

Field & Research Director

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Katie Braun

Farm Liaison & Agricultural Science Specialist

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Elisa Lockhart

Organization & Operations Manager

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Abby C. Gearing

Creative Projects & Marketing Director

Our Team Board of Directors

Matt Unger

Board President

Navtej Bains

Board Vice President

Tom Walters

Board Treasurer/ Secretary

Randy Honcoop

Dan Ambrosi

Fall Creek Nursery

Micah Weiss

Fall Creek Nursery