PNW Plants & Propagators
Plants & Propagators
Resources for plant varieties, berry propagators in blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries in Oregon and Washington.

Plant Varieties
Plant Varieties for Oregon & Washington
Blueberry cultivars for the Pacific Northwest
This publication briefly describes each type of blueberry. Tables 1 and 2 list cultivars that are suitable for the Pacific Northwest.
Raspberry cultivars for the Pacific Northwest
This publication briefly describes each type of raspberry. Tables 1–4 list cultivars in approximate order of ripening within each type.
Strawberry Cultivars for Western Oregon and Washington
This publication briefly describes the main types of cultivated strawberries. Tables 1–3 list cultivars within each type that are adapted to conditions west of the Cascades.
lassen canyon nursery
California-based strawberry propagation. Will ship to Oregon and Washington.
PNW Representative: Lee Meier (530) 223-1075
North American Plants
Oregon-based propagator of raspberries, blackberries and blueberries.
877-NAP-INFO (627-4636)
Northwest Plant Company
Fall Creek Farm & Nursery, Inc.
Blueberry breeding & nursery company, based in Oregon, serving the industry’s leading growers with varieties, plants and technical, variety-specific support.
(541) 937-2973 / 1-800-538-3001
Oregon blueberry farms and nursery
Norcal Nursery, LLC
California-based strawberry propagation. Washington-based raspberry and blackberry propagation. PNW Representative: Charlie Gundersen
(360) 770-2064