The Pacific Northwest Strawberry Bulletin
Newsletter for fresh strawberry growers in the PNW. This Bulletin features topics including on-farm variety trial updates of promising fresh cultivars, production tips, and interviews with key industry members, such as buyers or researchers.

2020 Strawberry Trial Plantings
This is the final planting for the Northwest Center for Small Fruits Research grower trial project.
Plantings: Establishment Update
See a list of trial plantings and learn more about 2019 planting establishment evaluations
Strawberry Trial 2018: Planting Update- Processed
This is the second of two newsletters released with information on how the 2018 grower trials faired in 2019.
Strawberry Trail 2018: Planting Update- Fresh Market
This is the first of two newsletters coming out with information on how the 2018 grower trials faired in 2019.
Cultivar selections for the 2019 grower trials
See a list of grower trial plants for the 2019 season.
Fall evaluations of seven promising strawberry varieties
Read the Fall 2018 evaluations on each strawberry variety in our four-year trial.
Trials and tribulations: Update on establishing on-farm variety trials as the landscape of the Oregon strawberry industry changes
Northwest Berry Foundation is managing four total seasons of fresh and processed trials in PNW with this season’s plants already in the ground.
Fresh Market Strawberry Bulletin: See variety videos
Now you can watch video recaps of the in-field information we collected on Hood, Puget Crimson, Marys Peak, Charm, Albion, Aromas, Seascape & Sweet Ann.
Highlights from the Fresh Market Strawberry Workshop
The workshop focused on increasing capacity to produce and market better quality and increased quantities of local strawberries for the wholesale and retail markets.