USHBC sets sights high with a proposed assessment increase

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The United States Highbush Blueberry Council (USHBC) has worked towards getting more blueberries in the hands of consumers for the last 24 years.

With 16 staff members highlighted on their website and the knowledge base of several other subject matter experts contracting specific tasks, this organization strives to make blueberry the world’s favorite fruit by expanding markets worldwide while supporting domestic growing efforts. The majority of $16.6 million budgeted funding comes from annual domestic and international assessments ($11-$13million), followed by general contributions (over $3 million) and awarded grants (over $1 million). According to the Amended 2023 Budget Summary, funding specific to mainstream marketing/promotions accounts for around $7 million with export market promotions accounting for an additional $3 million of the budget expense. Much effort is spent researching the health benefits of blueberry ($1.6 million) as well as approximately $1.5 million available for industry relations, data management, good practices and blueberry technology exploration. The remainder of funds go towards different degrees of base operating expenses.

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Plans for bigger picture thinking to increase demand to better reflect the available blueberry supply involves a proposed assessment increase from $18/ton to $50/ton (fresh market) and $30/ton (processed market fruit). This rate would be inclusive of all conventionally produced fruit (organic fruit assessment contribution is optional per federal exemption). Here is how the new $30 million budget could be broken down to serve the industry better with new brand value promotional advertising as one of the main line items that has never been funded in the past.

This decision is a whole industry decision with regional representatives actively hearing input from their regional growers. Any change in assessment requires a 18 month lead time. I encourage all blueberry growers to be involved in the final meetings related to this topic so that regional representatives can receive and consider all feedback to make a decision ideally by the end of March, 2025. Here is the official FAQ information from USHBC for further reference.

Is this assessment increase news to you? Is a 278% ($32/t) assessment increase reasonable and do you think these increased costs will be easily absorbed given the benefits that USHBC provides? Not able to attend any regional growers meetings? Need clarification on the proposed assessment increase? Have a suggestion that the Council should consider? Do you have examples of the work of USHBC benefiting your specific operation? Reach out to the USHBC team including any of the regional representatives or chime in below to start the conversation:

One Response

  1. That’s a huge increase! I’m skeptical-can we really market our way out of oversupply? If so, for how long? It’s a perennial crop, after all.

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