As an organization, we constantly strive to remain an objective voice whose sole focus is on a thriving berry industry in the Northwest. However, the events of the past couple weeks have thrust us into a position where we must advocate for action as wide-sweeping, indiscriminate decisions are being made at a national level that cut extremely deep into our local small fruit community. Folks on both sides of the border have been calling trying to get a handle on tariffs, immigration, and a myriad of other ag-affecting issues that have come into the spotlight. The latest has been the news of the termination “for-cause” of numerous folks across several US government agencies, USDA-ARS included.
We won’t lie, the hill ahead looks very steep. Despite the speed at which these decisions were made, there is no clear path to having them unmade with these actions appearing to come at the direction of an unelected creation of the executive branch. As it stands, the legislature has been quiet on demanding that the executive branch carries out the budget which it -in its power- authorized. Additionally, even if there is a judicial injunction, there are serious questions as to whether the executive branch will follow a judicial order. Lastly, agriculture is not alone in this, and virtually every industry and sector of the economy is being hit through similar blanket cuts. Unfortunately, when compared to healthcare, education, transportation, and the like, our niche small fruit industry is at risk of being minimized and forgotten. This is why it is absolutely crucial for as many of you as possible to speak up, because it is the only way our concerns will be heard and met.
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