Identifying Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) in Your Fields

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SWD Larvae

Overview of SWD and Its Impact:

Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) is a significant pest that poses a threat to small fruit crops in the Pacific Northwest. SWD infests ripe and overripe fruit by laying eggs beneath the fruit surface. The subsequent development of larvae leads to unmarketable fruit. Through extensive research, we have gained valuable insights into SWD behavior and risk factors, enabling us to devise effective management strategies to mitigate economic losses.

Throughout the growing season, SWD populations increase, leading to heightened field pressure. Early-season crops experience minimal risk, whereas late-season crops are at a considerably greater risk. SWD populations can vary significantly based on geographic location and surrounding habitats, with numerous ‘risk factors’ related to cultural practices and landscape attributes critically influencing individual field pressures.

Optimal conditions for SWD typically occur within a temperature range of 64 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit, during which active breeding is most prevalent. Conversely, extreme temperatures and dry, windy conditions with high UV exposure can drastically reduce their populations/pressure. SWD migrates from bordering habitats into field edges. While they may lay eggs in the field where there is an abundance of breeding hosts, open environments are not ideal for their populations, which predominantly thrive in densely vegetated areas.

Monitoring is crucial, as it can detect low populations before they reach economic or market detectable levels. There are various effective field management tools available for controlling both the adult and larval stages of SWD.

Identifying Risk Factors:

Who Is at Risk?

Small fruit growers in the Pacific Northwest. Numerous factors influence the risk of SWD at the field level. Assessing these risk factors is vital for determining the level of control necessary, as they relate to the proximity of fields to SWD population reservoirs and the environmental conditions that facilitate SWD movement. The factors can be organized into three categories: landscape, crop type, and cultural practices.

Landscape Factors:

  • Proximity to favorable border habitats, including non-crop areas with trees and dense vegetation.
  • Presence of adjacent fields that finish harvesting earlier in the season.
  • Nearby secondary hosts, such as blackberry brambles in irrigation ditches and landscape fruit trees that may support SWD populations.

Crop Factors:

  • Types of crops (e.g., blueberries, caneberries, strawberries): Blueberries, with their harder skins and exposure to weather, are generally less susceptible than softer-skinned caneberries.
  • Cultivar seasonality: SWD populations typically build throughout the season, meaning early-harvest cultivars encounter lower field pressure compared to those harvested later in the season.
  • Cultivar growth habit: Dense canopies with closely packed and shaded fruit are more susceptible to SWD.
  • High crop diversity and density in small blocks may raise risk, as SWD can migrate between closely planted crops as fruit ripens.

Cultural Practices:

  • Adoption of new versus older canopy management techniques (caneberries): Blackberry production can impede spray penetration, increasing SWD risk.
  • Plant architecture: An open canopy or removal of older cranberry floricanes can mitigate risk, as shaded fruit is more vulnerable to SWD damage. Promoting good airflow further reduces this risk, while dense leaf layers can trap moisture and create ideal conditions for SWD.
  • Irrigation practices: Drip irrigation lowers the risk of SWD, while overhead irrigation can elevate humidity and risk.
  • Overhead cooling: SWD is sensitive to heat, and cooling can enhance their survival during high-temperature events.
  • Use of weed mats: Implementing weed mats can diminish the likelihood of SWD larvae pupating in the soil, disrupting their lifecycle.
  • Picking schedule: Late harvest and infrequent picking increase the likelihood of SWD presence.
  • Yield considerations: Higher fruit density per acre can create more favorable conditions for SWD.

Identifying SWD and Its Damage

SWD adults can be challenging to identify due to its close resemblance to other, non-pest vinegar flies. Two distinct characteristics differentiate SWD from other related species:

  1. A black spot (which may vary in opacity) located near the leading front edge of the wings of male adults (females do not have wing spots).
  2. The presence of a prominent saw-like ovipositor at the posterior end of the female, used for egg-laying.

There are several other smaller identification characteristics and to find out more, here is a link to an identification key.

Symptoms of Damage

To recognize SWD damage, closely inspect for:

  • Blueberries: Pinpoint punctures on the fruit surface.
  • Caneberries: Fruit feels weak and crumbly as SWD often will eat the center of the drupe cluster causing loss of structure integrity.
  • Liquid exuding (when squeezed) out of scar/hole where eggs were laid
  • Softening, collapsing and/or bruising of fruit at damage site
  • Small white larvae and pupae that can be seen with the naked eye if fruit is dissected.

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The Northwest Berry Foundation

Address: 1100 NE 28th, STE 204, Portland OR 97232
Phone: (503) 285-0908

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