The Small Fruit Archive

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View all previous editions of The Small Fruit Update dated from January – December 2022.

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SFU: Week 34

Small Fruit Update Week 34, 2022

Nutrient sampling time! I get it, most of you are rolling your eyes thinking “Yes, Julie, we know this. You’ve sent plenty of notices in recent weeks”.

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SFU: Week 34

Small Fruit Update Week 34, 2023

Last week Willamette Valley temperatures made it to 105°F (40.5°C) with 108°F(42°C) reported in some locations on the east side and southern Oregon.

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SFU: Week 35

Small Fruit Update Week 35, 2022

A grower recently left me with a final line in a quick email: “What a crazy season. ” It raised a 100 questions but now isn’t the time to ask.

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SFU: Week 36

Small Fruit Update Week 36, 2022

Spotted Wing Drosophila + late season fruit = SWD larvae plague the fruit.I do think the heat waves have put a damper on populations but it’s been hard to gauge this season.

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SFU: Week 36

Small Fruit Update Week 36, 2023

A series of presentations were part of a WSU 2022 Weather School designed for the agriculture industry. There was a focus on understanding general climate trends as well as best practices and data quality in weather stations.

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SFU: Week 37

Small Fruit Update Week 37, 2022

Many locations in the PNW have met, if not surpassed, the record number of over90F (32.2C) and 100F (37.7C) degree days, and I’m seeing the signs in berry fields.

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SFU: Week 37

Small Fruit Update Week 37, 2023

Lots of talk about options for the upcoming season planting and I imagine nurseries are starting to get an uptick in conversations about plant needs now.

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