The Small Fruit Update

View regional crop reports, stay up to date with industry news,
pest management tips, and more!

What is the Small Fruit Update?

The Small Fruit Update is a weekly resource for the Pacific Northwest berry industry. It features regional crop reports, industry news, pest management, research and industry events. View the latest edition or access our archive for data on our previous releases before 2024

What is the Small Fruit Update?

The Small Fruit Update is a weekly resource for the Pacific Northwest berry industry. It features regional crop reports, industry news, pest management, research and industry events. View the latest edition or access our archive for data on our previous releases before 2024 below.

Search Weekly Editions

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SFU: Week 14

Small Fruit Update Week 14, 2024

Growing degree days are much farther along than they were one year ago (26 days ahead of 2023) and about 8 days ahead of the typical 30 year average.

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SFU: Week 13

Small Fruit Update Week 13, 2024

I was pleasantly surprised with the discussion and feedback loop that was started during the first of four workshops geared towards the Endangered Species Act stakeholder workshop.

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SFU: Week 12

Small Fruit Update Week 12, 2024

The WSU Red Raspberry Endowed professor position has gone through initial interviews and is now moving onto the more in depth interview process.

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SFU: Week 11

Small Fruit Update Week 11, 2024

Welcome to the weekly newsletter series. Blueberry bud development photos are getting a shake up this year.

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SFU: Week 10

Small Fruit Update Week 10, 2024

Let’s talk about the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA). Many US based businesses are aware of the federal PACA license that allows processors to get …

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SFU: Week 09

Small Fruit Update Week 9, 2024

The U.S. Census of Agriculture that is tabulated every five years has just been updated through 2022. It’s the most comprehensive information that is collected in the U.S. and shines a light on trends

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SFU: Week 07

Small Fruit Update Week 7, 2024

All these meetings that have been happening have brought on much needed networking conversations. Obviously, it’s more than markets and weather but, let’s face it, it’s mostly markets and weather with a sprinkle of disease, insects, and sports mixed in!

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SFU: Week 05

Small Fruit Update Week 5, 2024

Leaving a successful Lower Mainland Horticultural Conference in BC on Saturday and watching the water rise with the heavy rain system coming through was a bit depressing.

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SFU: Week 03

Small Fruit Update Week 3, 2024

How about this weather?! I’ve been holding on to my cold/wind/snow/freezing rain weather report when talking to my Central Canadian family, because I just can’t compete with the freezing temps happening there.

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SFU: Week 1

Small Fruit Update Week 1, 2024

Caneberry and strawberry plant sale numbers are out! I’ve recently been asked by a new industry member why there are no blueberry plant sale numbers

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SFU: Week 51

Small Fruit Update Week 51, 2023

We’ve decided to look back on the last year and give you a glimpse of different ways we’ve contributed to the Pacific Northwest Berry community with your help.

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SFU: Week 49

Small Fruit Update Week 49, 2023

Calling all berry breeders! There are two breeding positions available and ready for a couple people to make the Pacific Northwest home.

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