The Small Fruit Update

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What is the Small Fruit Update?

The Small Fruit Update is a weekly resource for the Pacific Northwest berry industry. It features regional crop reports, industry news, pest management, research and industry events. View the latest edition or access our archive for data on our previous releases before 2024

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SFU: Week 32

Small Fruit Update Week 32, 2023

We are into late season fruit. The shift into the next plant growth cycle is happening before our very eyes.

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SFU: Week 31

Small Fruit Update Week 31, 2023

The heatwave predicted this week has tapered off slightly in the Willamette Valley but those temperatures will still affect insects like SWD, not to mention fruit quality.

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SFU: Week 30

Small Fruit Update Week 30, 2023

Insect dynamics/pressures adjust each year. For example, thus far I’ve been hearing mostly positive things about SWD pressure this season

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SFU: Week 29

Small Fruit Update Week 29, 2023

You may or may not have seen the ISHS Rubus and Ribes Symposium touring around NW Washington and Oregon Willamette Valley over the last couple days.

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SFU: Week 28

Small Fruit Update Week 28, 2023

My youngest daughter tagged along for a quick farm visit last week because holiday childcare was inconsistent.

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SFU: Week 27

Small Fruit Update Week 27, 2023

We’ve just found our first SWD larvae in Kotata blackberry fruit. This field had consistently high adult trap catches for weeks prior to the larvae infestation and was in a hot spot location.

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SFU: Week 26

Small Fruit Update Week 26, 2023

There isn’t one Oregon grower that is anywhere near happy with their strawberry yields or fruit size of any variety other than the unnamed selection ORUS 2678-1.

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SFU: Week 25

Small Fruit Update Week 25, 2023

A relatively new disease called Orange Rust has been spreading in Oregon blackberries. It is important that all blackberry growers scout for it and act if found.

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SFU: Week 24

Small Fruit Update Week 24, 2023

Growers and field reps are reading my mind as they call asking the same question: what’s going on with Spotted Wing Drosophila this season?

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SFU: Week 23

Small Fruit Update Week 23, 2023

I hope to see folks sneak away from fields to attend the Strawberry Field Day in Aurora, OR this afternoon starting at 1pm.

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SFU: Week 22

Small Fruit Update Week 22, 2023

What Impacts Nectar Production? Nectar and volatiles (the scent of flowers) attract honey bees and other pollinating insects to blueberry flowers.

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SFU: Week 21

Small Fruit Update Week 21, 2023

Calling all blueberry growers in Oregon and Washington: We’re on the lookout for blueberry fields with Scorch-like plant symptoms and shock symptoms which may mask Scorch symptoms

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